Dear Mission-Driven Leaders,

While You Lead Through Change & Uncertainty…

You Deserve Support Too.

Culture CARES® Global can help.

Are You & Your Staff Stressed & Overwhelmed? If You’re….

Managing daily drama and regrettable turnover

Dealing with ongoing confusion, stress, and uncertainty

Struggling to build trust, collaboration, and morale

What's your plan?

“I've never felt more connected to my colleagues than I do right now.”

- Keragan Ettelman, Associate Director, Colorado College

Organizations Call Us When:

  • It’s pulling teeth to get staff back to the office

  • Regrettable turnover is derailing  productivity

  • People are promoted to manager roles, yet are not prepared with the right skills

  • New leaders are hired, and it’s taking too long to align around culture and values

  • Trust and morale are suffering

  • External stressors are getting you down

It could be better.

What if your organization was energized through challenging times?

What if you led with even more courage, clarity, and confidence?

Our Executive Coaching Process + Culture CARES® Model Works. Proven. Tested. Transformative.

Colorado College CARES®Case Study

"Our team implemented the Culture CARES® model. In one year, we grew from having 14 areas that needed attention to one. The measurable results are outstanding and have resulted in noticeable day-to-day improvements."

—Cindy Hyman, Associate Vice President for Engagement, Colorado College, Office of Advancement

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